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Grand Rapids, Michigan


Kate Lewis is a ceramic artist who makes pottery, site specific installations, teaches, curates, and enjoys clay every day!


Installation Art

I create installations of small ceramic multiples that mimic natural objects like leafs, stones, petals or shells. I hope to transfer the meditative nature of working with clay into an atmosphere that anyone can sense and enjoy. I find the repetition of making these objects and working with clay to be soothing, like watching and listening to waves washing up on the shore.

I am compelled to artistically render this sense of peace in the form of sculptural installations that are based on the ceramic multiples with supporting mixed media such as fiber, metal, wire, wood, acrylic or monofilament.

My creations are site-specific and the exact place they are installed influences the forms and concepts each piece is comprised of. The temporary nature of installation art, where a piece is put up for an exhibition and taken down after a span of time, reminds me of the constantly changing nature of existence.

I choose to work in this medium as a way to meditate on temporality while dwelling on the beautiful moments that seem always present in the ever-changing natural world.